Saturday, 2nd of August (Day 14 of STAR IP)

To do the evaluation it was a good idea to put 4 posters on the tables with the titles: “What I
learned from intercultural group”, “My feelings”, “Wishes” and “What I learned about energy”.
Everyone wrote some sentences.

w3 w4  w1w2

Finally Mrs. Schrüfer and Mrs. Brendel said a few words for thanking all the participants and invited
us to have dinner together tonight.

Thanks to all our lovely teachers and participants!
It was such a great time, hopefully we will meet again!

Friday, 1st of August (Day 13 of STAR IP)

There is still a lot of work to do.
Our first task is to read the written reflectories of the other groups and to improve it perhaps.
Afterwards we are meeting again in our 4 reflectory-groups for talking about the last things to
change in our text. At last we can start recording it.

B1 B2

Each group records the reflectory in his mother tongue, the english version the group is doing
together. Because we just have a few hours left for recording we all are a bit stressed but also
motivated to manage it.


Okan Tel
Seda Samuk

Thursday, 31 Juli 2014 (Day 12 of STAR IP

There is still a lot of work for preparing the audio recording for Friday.

The day was introduced by a lecture of the geoinformatic student, who will make an application for smartphones from of our reflectories.


He gave us a general explanation in how Apps work and what we would have to take into account by our Reflectory App. Afterwards he asked us, if we could develop different designs for the finally Reflectory App. Four groups started designing the App. After we had finished designing the so-called mockups, every group presented their ideas. These were discussed in the whole group and the best aspects of every presentation were taken for the finally app. Then we carried on working on the texts for our reflectories. Every group prepared worksheets, texts for recording and a final structure of their reflectory. Furthermore, all text material was translated in four different languages: Spanish, Turkey, German, and English. In addition, some groups translated the texts into Catalan. Hence, we had a lot of work to do and in the end, we were a little bit stressed, because we also wanted to check the reflectory manuscripts of the other groups. However, we decided to do it on Friday and in the end everything go off well, so that we can record the reflectories on Friday.

Katharina Robbers

Felipe Molinos Góngora

Wednesday, 30th of July (Day 11 of STAR IP)

In the morning we directly started to work on the reflectories. We finished the questions and structures to go into detail afterwards. After one and a half hours two groups came together to discuss their reflectories and give feedback. In some reflectories there were missing parts, but in the group discussion they were clarified. It became obvious that the reflectories consist of very different structures.

For the rest of the day we wrote the texts track per track to to be recorded tomorrow.


Considering working in intercultural teams, it was a good practice and learning effect today. We had difficulties concerning communication in english language, inclusion and exclusion precesses and roles inside the group. But some groups learned how to deal with the challenges.30072

Hanne Hagedorn

Dilruba Akkaya

Tuesday, 29th July 2014 (Day 10 of STAR IP)

Today we continued to work on our reflectories in the international groups that we had formed yesterday. Each group developed an outline for its particular topic and started to create texts in English which will be translated to Spanish, Turkish and German tomorrow. The atmosphere was very nice as everybody was involved and our different fields of study and cultural backgrounds fostered creativity in the working process. Each group was successful at putting all the different ideas into one concept.
One group worked on a community near the coast which wants to build a wind park either onshore or offshore. The listener also has to decide whether it is built by the inhabitants or a big company.
Another group works on the different types of renewable energies. The listener has to decide which kind is suitable for either Spain, Turkey or Germany.
The third group chose a small village in Germany which wants to gain 100% of their energy from renewables. The listener has to decide how it is distributed between wind, biomass and solar plants.
The last group invented a country called Energy-Perfectia which a girl visits. Afterwards she has a vision of changing the future development in her hometown to a more sustainable one. The listener decides how she puts this into practice.
In the afternoon each teacher joined one group and we had to present them our project. They gave us some feedback and if there were any problems or questions they could help.
After all, it was a very productive day and we learned how to break down the complex energy system in order to teach it to students. Tomorrow we will continue to work on the reflectories.


Franzi Kuhlmann

Francisco Javier Rodriguez

Monday, 28th of July (9th day of STAR IP)

Presentation of the groups mind maps: some groups orientated at the aspects social, economics, environment and politics concerning to the forms of energy like biogas and solar on side of the renewable energys or coal and uranium on the side of conventional energy. There were also listed pro and contra for each energy form, see mind maps.


Presentation of the autarky energy plan of the county Steinfurt. In cooperation with the university of Münster Steinfurt trying to produce and use 100% renewable energy for their city until 2050. They are financially supported by programs of the EU and of the german state of NRW: document


Discussion in groups about what we learned so far, discussion of still existing questions, inventing slogans about improving situation of energy production and consumption:

Work together energy transition is a big task. It´s not up to one person, but to the whole world.

More investment and research in renewable energy for the future energy for thinking doesn´t cost a thing.




Group 1.

1. Renewable energy resources is a key of a healthy future.

2. Petrol runs out, coal runs out, solar-hydro and wind is enough for us.

3. Give up dipping soil, look at the sky.


Group 2.

1.leave your car, take your bike.

2.let’s renew the energy.


Group 3.

1. Mind energy is free.

2. Renewable energies, renewal life.

3. We don’t need more energy, we just need more awareness.


9b   Mr. Richter- Warendorf District:

 Climatology and energy expert. He works as energy consultant in a company and he is the only person who works in the district. He has been in 65 different projects. Local managements which are in this area compete each other to change their systems with renewable energy, and it has managements which are selected by the help of elections. Before starting a project, energy potential in this area is detected and calculated. From the coming of sunlight angle to affect of wind, everything is calculated. The biggest problem is that if you try to store the without using it, a huge amount of energy loss is experienced. He also briefed about the potential of this area.

 9c Mrs. Huth – municipal energy supplier ( German stadtwerke )

She works at the company which has business organization in the city municipality. She gave us some information about the construction of wind energy mills and made us watch a video which was about it. Then, she was asked questions by the participants. For instance; how much does it cost?, the height of windmills and how it works after being constructed, and also is sustainable energy sustainable? After the lecturer answered the questions, the class dismissed.


Afterwards, participants started to deal with ” Internet and press research on the perception of Germany’s energy transition in national and international press”. Then, students were split up into four different international groups and requested to come up with a question and answer about what we had seen throughout the previous week.

At 4.30 pm, the class finished.

 After the too much rain.

9e9f 9g


Christian DREISSIG




Friday, 25th of July (6th day of STAR IP)

Today it started a little bad because it was rainy. Yet, as soon as we got to the institute of
geography, something got better. At first, a lecturer, named Gerald Staacke was waiting for us to
start his lecture which was about social aspects of energy transition and energy geography as a
part of human geography. He showed us two examples of social aspects of energy transition in
Germany. First, it was his research project in Eastern Germany, and secondly about spatial
planning especially about bioenergy.
For the first example, he introduced 6 different areas in which mostly photovoltaic plants are
produced. Bitterfeld- Wolfen in Saxony Anhalt is one of them. Solar industry came here because of
the governmental supports like subventions. However he also mentioned about some problems
like ecological problems and bad living conditions, especially the difficulty to get good engineers to
a unattractive place like that. So he told us about the importance of soft inputs as well as hard
For the second example, we had a short overview of influence of bioenergy to landscapes. Mainly,
it is effected by the use of maize and we can speak about a change of landscape. In addition we talked about the NIMBY discussion( not in my backyard), which seems to be important, too.

Webblog of 6th Day

At the second part of our day at the institute, we continued making our mind maps which we had
already started on last Wednesday. We split up as national groups (Germans, Spanish and
Turkish) and Mr. Staacke stayed to inform and help us. We finished mind mapping at 1 pm, so
earlier than planned because we had to start preparing our first “traditional intercultural dinner”.

Webblog of 6th Day2

At 6 pm, we arrived at “die Bruecke” to cook. After getting used to use the kitchen, it made us
(chiefs) feel as if we are cooking at home. Around 9.30 pm, our lecturers had arrived, then we
started having dinner. Seeing many people from different parts of the world eating together and
having fun was awesome. People who still had ENERGY after this wonderful meal offered to go to a pub to see typical German dancing styles and nightlife.

Webblog of 6th Day3

To sum up, the day was long and during it we grew more and more together to one group.
Furthermore we learnt how to spend our energy in another form ( dancing;-))!


Freya Schmit
ACihan Keles 

Thursday, 24th of July (Day 5 of STAR IP)

Excursion to various energy related sites in the surroundings of Münster.

Our day has started at 8:15 and we’ve been picked up in order to go to the outskirts of
Münster. Today, the main topic was about renewable energies. We have visited several
locations related to these kinds of energies.
First of all, we have been in a biogas plant, close to Maria Veen. There we learned how to
produce biogas from corn crops (the main part) mixed with animal waste.
Biogas is used to produce heat and electricity. They use a heating water net to distribute
warm water different facilities in town, such as the swimming pool.
Nevertheless, because in order to get primary sources we need too much hectares to grow
such crops, we think that this kind of energy couldn’t be one of the most used due to the
lack of soil sources.

Weblog day 5

In our second stop we’ve briefly visited an art school in Schöppingen. This school tries to
combine their artistic creations with the topic of energy. This kind of initiatives show how
energy transition not only comes from politic or professional initiatives but from individuals
as well.
As we were all hungry, we had lunch in the shore of a beautiful lake. Most of all sunbathed
and only the most brave took a bath. It was a nice swimming experience in a continental
In the afternoon, we visited a complete energy station called Bioenergiepark in Saerberck.
There they have solar panels, wind mills and also biogas tanks.
We want to remark that this park was located in an old military complex. They use the
military bunkers to hold solar panels’s structure and also store inside the organic waste
from biogas production.
Wind mills were quite impressive because of their size. Furthermore, a helix from each one
was capable to rotate in the direction of the wind.
In addition, it’s interesting to say that the project it’s supported by their inhabitants’s invest.

Weblog day 52

In conclusion, we’ve had a really nice and we’ve learnt more about renewable energies
attending this places.

Raquel Cañellas
Isabel Catany
Carlos Ramis de Ayreflor

Wednesday, 23rd July (4th day of STAR IP)

Today starts with the presentation of Gabriele Schrüfer. She talk about us about “What is the STAR ?” and “How STAR occurs?” After that she mentioned about meaning and content of every concept which constitutes STAR. She also refers to what sustainable development is we can sum up with three questions.


1-)What is the sustainable development?

2-)Why is sustainable development necessary ?

3-)How can we implement sustainable development?


Also the sustainable development consists of three dimensions.These dimensions are;


1-)Social dimensions

2-)Environmental dimensions

3-)Economical dimensions


 Photo 24-07-14 01 15 55


In the reflectories part of the program, after three part are synthesized a new concept is revealed. After this presentation and assessment, audio learning activity was start. In this activity, we made some decisions about Tanzania. We made these decisions by dealing with different dimensions. After this activity, we formed mind map by thinking the effects of sources which we visited yesterday.


 Photo 23-07-14 11 34 10

After that we started the simulation game the ” Changing Game” This game has directed by an “Artefact Company” and emerged in 2009. The main goal of the game to make decisions about energy production and consumption for BAU 2030.

Photo 24-07-14 01 16 09

In this game student will use energy in the future with their own ideas to create.Target to year 2030 from us and that we will implement strategies to achieve these goals have been asked to developed. We created mixed groups before start the game. In every group has different students from Turkey,Spain and Germany. It means every group has different cultural opinion. During the game we made strategies for future energy problem. Every culture has their own values and differences we observed these cultural differences how energy-related policies was reflected.

 Photo 24-07-14 01 11 52

 Photo 24-07-14 01 16 25

As a result, today we all decided we are actively in activities. Why do thing we learned together in thinking versatility respond

 Photo 23-07-14 18 11 02

Fulya Arslan

Ferhat Ersoy     


Tuesday, 22nd July (3rd day of STAR IP)

Tagebau Garzweiler- Solar Institut Jülich.   22.07.2014


Today we made an excursion with the bus to an open lignit mine called “Tagebau Garzweiler” which represents the fossil energy. Later we went to the “Solar Insitut Jülich” which represents the renewable energy. We learned that both ways of producing energy is important for Germany. It’s important to combine them.

There are four big lignit mines in Germany: The biggest one is in the Lausitz-region in the east of Germany nearby the polish border. There are two other in the middle of Germany. The one we have been is in the western part two hours far from Münster. The mining has many impacts to environment. Because it’s very large mining there are villages which have to be placed somewhere else. That’s not an easy process (feelings of villagers, money, politics, …) so that it might take about ten years. An other impact is made on the groundwater. This one has to be pumped out of the ground because the mine has to be try. It happens in an area far around. There are three solutions for what to do with this water: First you can take it for drinking. Second you can pump it to the rivers or nature around. And at the end of one mining there is a lack of volume, so this hole gets filled with water until there exists an artificial lake (also no easy process).

After the mining area get filled u with the soil again it needs to get recultivated. The recultivation needs several years (up to twenty) to be safe for building new buildings on it. Before there are farmers cultivating.

With the change of technology working process got more efficient, so less workers were needed for getting more outcome. Also in this mines there is some historical goods which is important for archeological education to try to understand the past. Because there is needed so much energy the working process can’t stop and a lot of those information gets lost.

In general the fossil energy brings a lot of negative impacts with it (even if there are also good once like a very good soil after the up filling) but at the moment this constant producing of energy is essential for sustainable economy. Using renewable energies is getting a more important role in the world for example in Turkey or Germany.

Because of that we were visiting the Solar Institut in Jülich. There they have made it to their task to develop technical products, making researches about system analysis and resource efficiency and commercializations entrepreneurship. They showed us some of their projects, for example how to cook with solar energy. Therefore they have cooperations with some NGO’s in Argentina and other places where is a high amount of solar radiation. An other efficient invention is the solar still which converts saltwater into trinkingwater. Those ones already existed but they invented a more efficient one. This one is a great invention also in relation to the global warming (like shrinking water resources). As one of the biggest projects and simulations they have there is the solar tower. It combines by reflection solar radiation and brings it into a tower where it is getting very hot. By technical processes it’s getting convert to electricity. There are different processes to save the heat- with water, sand, salt or stones. Each one has it’s pro’s and contra’s. Some of those towers are standing for example in Spain. All those solar processes to win energy are more efficient in regions where is a lot of solar radiation: usually at the solar belt.


After all that technical information we had a very interesting discussion on the possibility of renewable energies in praxis. Theoretically there is enough sun and space in the countries of the solar belt. Also the technic for transport the electricity to all the other countries is available. The problem is just based on politically and economical reasons: it’s all about geopolitics and international relations talking about might.


Maik Hauck

